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Home Care Service

Se-Soulever will open a home health care service for the purpose of providing in-home care services for individuals needing assistance with activities of daily living. We will be serving the South Western PA. area.

Homemaker/ Chore Services

Providing in-home assistance with daily living.

How to  apply for CHC

There are four ways to apply for the Physical HealthChoices program:

1. You can apply for or renew your Medical Assistance benefits online by using COMPASS. With COMPASS, you can also check your eligibility before you apply. 

2. You can apply by telephone for health care coverage by calling the Consumer Service Center for Health Care Coverage at 1-866-550-4355.

3. You can also apply for Medical Assistance by contacting your local county assistance office.

4. Or, you can download an application form to send to your county assistance office. If you need help completing the application form, a county assistance office staff member can help you. Click on the link to download an application.

Community HealthChoices

Individuals WILL be enrolled in CHC if they are 21 years old or over and are:

*Receiving both Medicare and Medicaid
*Receiving long-term services and supports in the Attendant Care, Independence, COMMCARE, or Aging waivers
*Receiving services in the OBRA waiver AND determined nursing facility clinically eligible
*Receiving care in a nursing home paid for by Medicaid
*An Act 150 participant who is dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid 

Individuals are NOT eligible for CHC if they are:

*Receiving long-term services and supports in the OBRA waiver and are NOT nursing facility clinically eligible
*An Act 150 program participant, who is not dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid
*A person with an intellectual or developmental disability who is receiving services through the DHS' Office of Developmental Programs
*A resident in a state-operated nursing facility, including the state veterans' homes

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